Life has taken several unexpected turns the past few weeks...ultimately leading to the death of my Grandpa Jim. 2 weeks ago, I was down in Florida enjoying an early Thanksgiving Dinner with him, and now cancer has taken him away from me. They always say hind-sight is 20/20...well if I knew just 10 days ago what I know now...I would have said good-bye to my Papa a little bit different then I did. See...Nov 21st we were told it was Bronchitis...the 28th, he was being admitted into the hospital, the 3rd, biopsy's came back that he had cancer in his stomach & esophagus, and the 5th, he passed away.
For me, this is just another reminder of just how short life really is. You never know how much time you have, or how many more breaths the Lord has in store for you. It has been a long 2 weeks, but we have 1 more week to get through. Since he was in Florida, and I was in New York...I know that the tears I have cried, are only the tip of the iceberg, as visitation and funeral will be here in New York....