So, for quite some time, I've had the catch-phrase I'll use at work specifically on Mondays: "I need a weekend from my weekend!"
Does anybody else feel like this?!?
I've said it once, and I'll say it again....I've known August was going to be busy, but it is proving to be busier then I thought it would be! I'm TIRED!
Weekend recap...
FRIDAY: Busy day at work...we've been short staffed most of the month with people being off for various reasons, and Friday was again busy! I rushed out of work to go to my church, OCC, and help prepare food for the Family Fun Day held on Saturday, that I couldn't go to on Saturday :( It was after 9:00 when we got back from that, and I was whipped! Quiet nite spent at home with my current read: "At First Sight" by Nicholas Sparks (very good by the way!)
SATURDAY: Quiet morning, spent getting ready for my co-workers wedding!!!
Annie made such a beautiful bride! She was absolutely stunning...
I wish her and Kyle nothing but happiness and love through the upcoming years!
After the reception, I met up with some friends for late-night appetizers! It was great to catch-up with some people that I feel I haven't seen in weeks (and haven't) due to my busy schedule!
SUNDAY: Church...oh how I love church! This past Sunday was my week with two of my favorite kids in the whole wide world! I spend one Sunday month working with my youth pastors' children, Micah & Isaac. They are both autistic and create fun and interesting experiences! Yesterday was pretty low-key, with Micah content to watch a movie, while Isaac played on the computer!
From there, I went home and tried to relax. For some reason, I've had a stiff neck since Saturday evening, so I tried to spend yesterday afternoon as low-key as possible. Inevitably though, I had to catch up on laundry, bills, projects around the house, because lets face it...I don't get it all done during the work week.
Last night, I was able to get caught up on some blog reading (I always miss you guys...), read a little more of my book, and crash at a fairly decent hour!
MONDAY: Another busy day at work...good thing I have dress-shoes I can run in! Needless to say, my feet were sore when I got home today, and I've been trying to rest up for the craziness this week will hold.
WOAh...that was a weekend, for sure! I'm so glad to read the stories of your weekends....hope you enjoy mine!