So far, it has been a fun-filled weekend. We (Mom, Kevin, and I) drove to my aunt's cottage just south of Lake Ontario Friday night, and spent all day Saturday with the family. Got to sun-bathe, ride the pontoon-boat, eat tons of yummy food, and watch my 2yr old cousin eat his first ice cream cone! (Now as you may, or may not know, ice cream is a BIG deal in my moms family. "It was the 4th meal of the day at my house growing up" my mom would tell me, frequently!)

We came back last night, because today, the brother to one of my best friends, got married! It was such a neat ceremony. There is a little creek that runs behind our church, and they chose to stand in the water, where two tiny "streams" of water come together and continue flowing down stream, as one. I loved how this was a symbol to everyone that when marriage vows are spoken, the two individuals are no longer, for they are one, bonded together by the love of God. I wish nothing but blessings for this new couple....Congratulations Matt & Kalene!!
Well...that's enough ramblings for tonight. Tomorrow is another family party, and FIREWORKS!! I'm sure more details and pictures will follow :)
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