Friday, July 15, 2011

The Help

If any of my readers are looking for a GREAT summer-read here is one of the BEST books I have ever read! (I know bold words...but it was an amazing story line that taught me something, too!!)

Now, you may have heard this title before, quite possibly because it is being released as a movie this summer :)

There is NO DOUBT that I will be going to see this movie, even though I ALWAYS say the book is better then the movie (I think you are able to become/relate better to one of the book characters, then you can at the movies.)

SO....if you can get your hands on this book, DO SO! And...if you get the opportunity to go see the movie, DO SO!!!

Needless to say...I can't wait :)

1 comment:

Callie said...

Oh, I've been on the lookout for another good book - thanks for the suggestion!