Monday, February 27, 2012

Music Monday

We have been doing an AMAZING study in Church since September. It is called "The Story" and it takes you through the Bible in 31 chapters. My love for the Bible has been completely renewed and through this book, my eyes are being re-opened to the amazing Bible stories that I learned when I was young...yet had forgotten in my "teen/adult" years.

A few weeks ago, we learned about the story of Queen Esther. Oh what a book....I have since completed a mini-study on this book in my daily devotions, and I've got to might be my favorite book. The story reminds me that often God has me in a certain situation/location "for such a time as this."(Esther 4:14) And that ONLY HE can see the big picture in my life.

One of the things that took place during the service was the watching of a music video. Gotta admit, I've watched it many many times, for a few reasons. 1. The song is very VERY catchy. 2. The version I watch, takes you through the story of Esther.

I hope you enjoy today's Music Monday song/video "Born for This" by Mandisa!

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