Sunday, May 22, 2011


It has been a while since I've last done a true "posting" on here. (Gotta love the music and picture ones, but those aren't counting at the moment.) It has been a weird, crazy-awesome, stinky few weeks. And at the bottom of all these adjectives, is the real reason of what is going on in my life: change. If there is one thing in life I'm not real keen on, it is this exact thing.

I'm not sure where the root of my "hatred for change" comes from, but I think much of it has to do with how much stability and "lack of change" I've had to go through in my life, so far. Here is a list of things in my life that have relatively stayed the same:
  • I have gone to the same church, since I was in my mother's womb....and when I was away to school, I didn't go to church (that's another blog for another day.)
  • I went to the Portville Baptist Christian School through 8th grade...and then left for high school, where I graduated in '06.
  • I have NEVER moved....when I was 6 months old, and moved out of my cradle, I moved into the bedroom that I am currently writing this blog from! The only time I didn't live in my bedroom, was when I lived on campus at Mercyhurst College!!
  • I've only worked 2 jobs, EVER! I worked at the grocery store in high school, and got hired at my current position 3 years ago!
God has blessed me in this life with a very stable foundation: solid friendships, relationships with my family, and just an amazing support system.

Well, the last few weeks, God has been beginning to "rock my boat" in some ways I NEVER expected to see happen. Things in life, I (in my human nature) never expected to change, are beginning to change. As I look back over the past 6months of my life, I can see where the 'warning' signs were, and so I think through that and the constant Relationship I have with my Heavenly Father, I can say I have peace with the situations at hand.

God is doing something with who I am "dependent" on, shifting it away from humans, who fail, and making it more about Him. I think all to often, in the past, I've relied on my friends to pull me through tough times, and yet currently, God is teaching me that HE is the one I need to rely on...for EVERYTHING.

I am a human, and I'm going to let people down...much like how they let me down. BUT God, is a constant source of strength in the good and bad time.

Hebrews 13: 5 & 6-- "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you.' So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'"

This passage has proven itself true to me on several different occasions lately. First of all, God knew the challenges I was going to face. He never left my side, even when I was heartbroken and empty. He was my source of strength and the way I got through many days. He is the only true constant in my life...through the thick and the thin, He has proven to me that "Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you."

God has also said in Jeremiah 29:11-- "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." He knows exactly why I am going through these periods of life, yet I know they are only for my benefit and growth as a Christian woman.

So...this is where I am at now: I KNOW with confidence that God knows exactly what He is doing in my life! It makes me a happy, scared, optimistic girl, because I know what He has in store for me, is WAY more then I could even begin to imagine....but it will probably require much more "change" in my life.

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