Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ice Cream Social!!!

If you were one of my neighbors, you recently received this invitation:

That's was ice cream time! 9 years ago, we had 4 new families move into our neighborhood in a span of 6 months! That's a lot of new people, and parents wanted to come up with a way to get to know them better! SO, Ice cream it was :)

This is a great opportunity for the neighbors to get together and catch-up with each other, but also show anybody new in the neighborhood "hey, we know each other, we know each other well, and we WILL watch out for random/suspicious things going on at their homes." For this party, my parents provide the ice cream, the neighbors supply the toppings!

Needless to say, all the little kids on the street LOVE when the invitations arrive, and it is the buzz on the street for a few days. I had one little boy come running up to me saying "Laura, Laura! It's almost time for ice cream in your front yard!!!!" (How cute is that?!?)

Everything went great! Great turnout, great food, great conversation, and great laughs! Can't wait for next year :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Late August Ramblings

This week has just been a continuation of my busy-busy August.

Some things to note:
~Kevin went back to school :( My brother goes to college about 2 hours away, and while I know he won't really miss me, I miss him when he isn't home.
I mean, who else will randomly do stuff with me on the weekends when I can't come up with something else to do?!? Needless to say, we will chat a few times a week, and the best part: I can call/bug him whenever!

~I am going through the process of being allergy tested. My allergies have always been annoying, but the last few flair-ups have been even worse! So I met with the allergist on Wednesday, and had some blood work done. I will return this coming Thursday for the "prick-test" where they will test for specific allergens on my back, and see if I react at all.

The down-side to all of this: I can't take any kind of an anti-histamine for 7 days. They did give me a nasal spray to use in the mean time, and while I enjoyed how I felt on Thursday, I am pretty sure I had an allergic reaction to it yesterday. I literally itched from head-to-toe ALL day long. Nothing really seemed to help it. Today I haven't had anything at all, and have a mild/moderate headache currently. I think tomorrow I'm going to try the nasal spray one more time and see if I get itchy...if I do, it is going in the trash, and will be 3 long days with no medicine. If I don't, I'm going to continue using it, praying I don't get itchy again. (Thank goodness I have understanding co-workers, who were sympathetic to what was going on and willing to scratch my back when needed...)

~Work is just plain busy. Usually we see our numbers drop off the last few weeks of August as people go away on one last so this year. It has been just as busy, if not busier then usual. I know this is a good thing, business wise, however I'M EXAUSTED! There are literally only 2 days this ENTIRE month where all the staff that should be at work on a certain day, are there! Between weddings, vacations, children, etc, we have been crazy short-staffed. Needless to say, COMMON SEPTEMBER!

~I have plans to go out to dinner with one of my besties tonight! I haven't seen her in weeks, because one week I was in Illinois for a wedding, then she left for a missions trip in Jamaica the following week! I can't wait for girl-talk and major catch-up time!

(Needless to say, with as busy as I've been, all of my girl-friends will be getting a phone call about a girls-night-out soon! I've missed them all tooo much!)

How has your week been? I've enjoyed taking some time today to get caught up in your blogs...thank you for being dedicated to your blogs, cuz I always love a good read!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekend from my weekend

So, for quite some time, I've had the catch-phrase I'll use at work specifically on Mondays: "I need a weekend from my weekend!"

Does anybody else feel like this?!?

I've said it once, and I'll say it again....I've known August was going to be busy, but it is proving to be busier then I thought it would be! I'm TIRED!

Weekend recap...

FRIDAY: Busy day at work...we've been short staffed most of the month with people being off for various reasons, and Friday was again busy! I rushed out of work to go to my church, OCC, and help prepare food for the Family Fun Day held on Saturday, that I couldn't go to on Saturday :( It was after 9:00 when we got back from that, and I was whipped! Quiet nite spent at home with my current read: "At First Sight" by Nicholas Sparks (very good by the way!)

SATURDAY: Quiet morning, spent getting ready for my co-workers wedding!!!

Annie made such a beautiful bride! She was absolutely stunning...

I wish her and Kyle nothing but happiness and love through the upcoming years!

After the reception, I met up with some friends for late-night appetizers! It was great to catch-up with some people that I feel I haven't seen in weeks (and haven't) due to my busy schedule!

SUNDAY: Church...oh how I love church! This past Sunday was my week with two of my favorite kids in the whole wide world! I spend one Sunday month working with my youth pastors' children, Micah & Isaac. They are both autistic and create fun and interesting experiences! Yesterday was pretty low-key, with Micah content to watch a movie, while Isaac played on the computer!

From there, I went home and tried to relax. For some reason, I've had a stiff neck since Saturday evening, so I tried to spend yesterday afternoon as low-key as possible. Inevitably though, I had to catch up on laundry, bills, projects around the house, because lets face it...I don't get it all done during the work week.

Last night, I was able to get caught up on some blog reading (I always miss you guys...), read a little more of my book, and crash at a fairly decent hour!

Another busy day at work...good thing I have dress-shoes I can run in! Needless to say, my feet were sore when I got home today, and I've been trying to rest up for the craziness this week will hold.

WOAh...that was a weekend, for sure! I'm so glad to read the stories of your weekends....hope you enjoy mine!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

(Storm clouds, while driving through Ohio.)

Monday, August 15, 2011

I've missed you guys

I almost feel like a broken record today, as I say, "Dear Blog friends...I've missed you!"

I know I said an opening line much like that last week, but once again, life has been BUSY!

This past weekend, I went with my parents and Kevin, to Illinois for the wedding of my cousin Mark and his new wife Annie! After long car rides viewing this for hours on end, we made it!

Everywhere you look...Corn (and soybeans)!

But...back to wedding details!

Mark & Annie, so beautiful, so in love! Their wedding was a perfect demonstration of how a Christian Marriage! The focus was obviously on their love for each other, however more importantly, it focused on their Love for their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

We then moved on to a BEAUTIFUL reception held at the horse farm that Annie grew up on!

Wonderful food, dancing, and time spent with family! What a great night, what a great weekend!!!

THEN, on Sunday Morning, we got to attend a polo-match healed on the polo field behind Annie's parents house! Talk about a completely foreign sport to be watching...those horses were amazing! Annie's two brothers and dad participated, so it was kinda neat to watch them play! It also gave us as a family one last chance to spend time together before we went back to our respective state(s) (Colorado, Illinois, Wisconsin, and New York were the states represented at this wedding!) I love this family...and time with them is so very precious! I can't wait for another family reunion (hm...which cousin is going to get married next?!?)

(I'll leave you with a sneak-peak at the family picture we snapped at one point...I'll put it this way...if mom want to use it for a Christmas Card, I won't stop her!), how was your weekend?!? I've been catching up on blogs, but would love to hear about it here too! Feel free to e-mail me or leave me a comment!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


No wordless Wednesday today...Wanted to give you an update on my grandma though.

She is doing MUCH BETTER! I don't believe we are completely out of the woods yet, but we are well on our way :)

When I saw her Sunday, I honestly wasn't sure I'd see her alive again....but I have new hope, and my grandma is a fighter!!!

I saw her tonight, and she looks amazing! She was dressed, in her wheelchair, watching the news, engaging in conversation and so full of life! She had color back in her cheeks and looked sooo much better then the other day!!!

God is so very good :) Thank you to all who have been praying for her. Keep those prayers coming...she is still on oxygen, but hopefully won't need it much longer!

Isn't amazing to serve such an awesome and wonderful God?!? I love Him more and more each and every day...Thank you Lord for answering prayers!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Missing in action...

Dear blog friends...I'VE MISSED YOU!

This past week has been complete and utter choas! Good chaos and bad chaos. Every evening for the past week has been full with things going on and activities planned for me. Mostly good stuff, though.

I got to go to my best friends little boy's 7th birthday party one night...They decided this year instead of gifts, to pretty much ask for books! What a great alternative to traditional birthday gifts (which he still got some of). It was a lot of fun going through my book collection and picking out a few to order for J.

The next few nights were spent running very important, miscellaneous errands (done in prep for Friday nights activities). (More details later...)

Thursday night was the all important hair appointment so that it would be looking perfect for Friday's activities.

NOW...Friday night was probably one of the fun nights of the week, yet simultaneously stressful. My 6 cousins and I (7 total) did a photo-shoot trying to update the picture from 7 or 8 years ago that is currently hanging in my grandparents house. (Here is a sample picture...mums the word if you know any of my family members, especially my grandparents!!)

Saturday night was a bachelorette party for my coworker, followed by Sunday family activities.

We also received word on Saturday that my grandma isn't doing to well. She had come down with pneumonia earlier in the week and the antibiotics didn't seem to be helping fight it. They have since started a new medication and from the updates today she seems to be doing some better!!!

When I saw her last night, I was very sad...she looked so weak and helpless. I know my grandma misses my grandpa (who passed away in 2008) but I'm just not sure that I'm ready to say goodbye to her yet. It is my continued prayer that God would have what is best for her, even if it isn't what is best for me.

Would you say a prayer for her right now?? Pray also for guidance as most of us are supposed to be leaving town later this week, for an out-of-state wedding. Plans for some have already been adjusted, and we are praying for confidence in whichever decision must be made (about people traveling and whatnot.) At this point, with her doing slightly better today, I think people are more comfortable with the thought of going out of town, but prayers for guidance would be greatly appreciated!

(Here is a picture of my cousins Jodi, Jessie, and Me with Grandma Peg last summer.)

So there you weekly re-cap in several thousand words of less :) I hope you guys have been having an amazing week! Can't wait to catch-up on the blogs I've missed reading this week. Trust me, I've missed you!!