Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday, a day late (again!)

What a beautiful sunset! Thank you Lord for the picture you painted tonight!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Resurrection Sunday Everyone!! I pray that each and every one of you had a wonderful day and were able to take some time to reflect on just what Jesus did for us on the Cross, and then the MIRACLE that happened when He rose from the grave!

My pastor gave a wonderful message today, and during it, played this song by the David Crowder Band. I would highly suggest listening to the song, or at the very least, reading through the song lyrics. "Oh how he loves" is such a great reminder, of just how much Jesus loves us!

He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us oh
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all

He is jealous for me, Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us oh,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all

He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.

And we are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If His grace is an ocean, we're all sinking.
And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don't have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about, the way…

That He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.

Yeah, He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.

Happy Resurrections Sunday! May each of you be blessed as we remember the love shown to us on that day, as well as just how blessed we are that Jesus was the Bridge from our world of Sin into Heaven!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Random thoughts...

So, some random thoughts from my day/week:

1. The sun is shining!! Doesn't get much better then that!!

2. Kevin (brother) came home for the weekend. We've been able to spend some quality time together, and lets face it...I miss him when he is away at school.

3. I got several more donations of books for my church library this week...makes me excited to know these books are going to benefit many ladies in my church!!

4. I got to do a little shopping today, as I start (allowing myself) to think ahead to my impending vacation. It will be my first significant time off work since last August/September when I ventured to Colorado for a family vacation. Obviously for security purposes, I won't be telling you when or where I'm headed, but expect (many) pictures to come at some point!!

5. I got home from shopping today, and was telling my mom about some of the things I looked at, but didn't of which was a new Vera Bradley bag. (Now, if you know me personally, you know I LOVE purses, and Vera's tend to be a downfall I'm continuously fighting.) She looked at me and said a phrase I never wanted to hear: "You know the Morgan (my favorite bag) is being retired, and they won't have it for much longer, right? "WHAT?!?!?!" NO.....

So, what did I do?? Well...let me just say, I QUICKLY cashed in one of the gift certificates I had gotten from Vera Bradley last Christmas when there was an issue with my order (...that's a story for another day.) (The Morgan I currently already have (in buttercup) was part of the Christmas disaster, but I love the purse so much, I don't even think about the issues I had now.) I ultimately decided to get the purse for myself (again!) in the Purple Punch, and mom decided she wanted one in Blue Rhapsody, too.



I'm now excited to get the new bags in!! (It will be mom's first VB and I'm excited she decided to get one!) However, I'm very sad that I couldn't get the bag in my newest favorite pattern: Boysenberry...

Well, I guess that is a wrap on the ins and outs of my week.....time to go make something super yummy, that might just get posted up on here sometime...stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Hopefully you can see this...but there, perched on the stick, is a robin! This totally made my day as I drove away from work (have no fear, I put my car in park at this stop sign, located on a dead end street!)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm thankful for...

Today, I'm taking the time to share some of the things I've recently been blessed with and am thankful for :)

1. My best friend M had a little baby boy on April 11th!!! Little J came into the world at 1:41, weighing 6# 14 oz, and measuring in at 19 1/4 inches long!!! I got to spend some time with B and E (B's son) yesterday at M's house and we got to love little J and his big brother A, lots and lots! He has the biggest feet and longest fingers I've ever seen...and is very much so a keeper!

2. B and I got to spend Friday night together and have much needed girl-time. I don't say it enough, but God knew what he was doing when he placed her into my life 10 short months ago....hard to believe it has only been that long, eh? We've become so close, so fast, its hard to remember life without her.

3. I'm taking the "Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace University" course through my church. Through all this, it is teaching me how to form and live a budget, pay off debt, and plan for my future. I've always been conscientious of where my money goes, but to see it planned out on paper, and to know that "every dollar has a 'name'" is really helping to open my eyes to frivolous spending.

I would HIGHLY recommend this course to anyone and everyone. It is well worth the time and investment.

4. I'm also thankful for little things such as heat today. Winter cold (upper 30s, low 40s) is still trying to hang on here in WNY and I'm just hoping that the daffodils and tulips starting to grow outdoors aren't affected by this chill. The heat in my house continues to be on due to the cold, and I'm thankful for a place that is warm.

5. Finally today, I'm thankful for family. On either side of our family, in the "extended" family, there have been ones lost recently. Today, I'm thankful for each and every member of my family. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be who I am today. Know I love you all :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Renaming this blog

I'm not sure how many of you noticed this, but I recently changed the name of this blog, from "Laura's Life" to ""

I decided to choose this name, because it symbolically shows just where I am in life...fully dependent on God and taking it "".

I'd love to say life is "smooth sailing", but that would be a HUGE lie! Life is full of ups and downs. It falls into the category "mystery" books....and I'll be honest, I'm more of a "fiction" girl. I've never really cared for mystery books, lol.

So this is where I must give EVERYTHING (yes, everything) over into Gods hands, and trust that he will guide and direct my every step towards what I hope are answers to my dreams.

Here are some of my current favorite song lyrics, sung by Jordin Sparks, American Idol season 6 winner:

"One step at a time there's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's supposed to happen
That we find the reasons why, one step at a time"

So...come walk with me as I document what I'm sure to be good, bad, fun, and potentially ugly times :)

Wordless Wednesday (a day late)

YAY!! Look at how green the grass is in my picture!! (Ignore the brown parts at the bottom, it won't see 'direct sunlight' til the sun gets higher in the sky during the day lol) We've had a few days of rain here in WNY :( but look at how green this grass is turning! Makes me excited for the flowers to blossom :)

...however I'm not enjoying the spring-time allergies since I'm SEVERELY allergic to the two things in this picture...trees and grass

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Praising God for Little Things

I'm really excited about the latest and greatest adventure I've embarked on the last few weeks at my church. I heard from my mom that there was a need for a church librarian so we could open up the Christian Fiction library up again. (It's been closed for 5+ years.) She wondered if it was something I was interested in doing. I told her let me think about it, but that I couldn't immediately think of a reason AGAINST doing it.

SO...We've been working on the organizational aspects of the library and I'm pleased to say that it is up and running! I'm taking donations from people in my church, trying to get some "newer" books in there (some were many, many years old!).

I didn't take a picture of the second batch of books I got donated, and the ones my mom got on a KILLER deal on Ebay (12 books for $18), but I think I've gained about 55 books already! Praise the Lord!!

I think what makes me excited to see all the newer books coming in, is that I'm cautiously-excited to see how God allows this project to blossom and grow under His watchful eye. I'm really hoping that this ministry becomes one that ministers to many many lives.

I've also found this AWESOME book site that I'm using to help fill in some missing titles in the library. I have several series that are missing a random book, and if you're like me, you don't want to start a series unless you know you can finish it, lol. found a website called "Paper Back Swap"

This book trading site, works on the HONOR system. You post books, and for every 5 books you post, you get 1 credit to go "shopping" and buy a book. Now, here's the cool don't pay to get that book! Whoever is sending the book to you, pays for the shipping. So you get that book basically for free. Now...when do you pay, you ask? don't pay anything until someone wants one of the books you've posted! There is a way for you to buy credits, but every time one of your books gets "requested" and sent off your book shelves, YOU earn another credit! And if you're earning credits, as books are flying (hopefully) off you're shelves, then it means you can go "shopping" and buy more books!

I'm mainly using this to fill in the holes right now...but this is such a neat concept, that I'll probably continue using this for many years to come!

So...if you have any favorite Christian Fiction authors, please pass their name off to me, so I can continue to expand and grow this library!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thankful for spring

I'm sitting here, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, with a smile on my face. Reason for that smile?? I have both my front and back door to my house open, and I want them open!! Today truly feels like spring has arrived...we've had a few days like this already this year, but today feels different. It's nice to be able to let fresh air circulate throughout the house. It's amazing to feel flip-flops on my feet again :) And I love that I can work on activities outside of my house without having a scarf, gloves, and heavy winter coat on!!!

Another thing that is helping to maintain this the fact that I can hear the birds talking to each other again, and that people keep walking past my house going on walks. This is just another thing that keeps reminding me of how God faithfully provides for us in the reliability that winter WILL INDEED give way to the beauty of spring!

So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: HAPPY SPRING EVERYONE!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Craziness in WNY know how I posted the picture yesterday, showing that spring might finally be arriving here in WNY? Well...fest your eyes on what I saw when I got home from work....

Winter just didn't want to end as of yesterday. However, today, I am pleased to say, the snow is now gone, and we are headed for the middle-60s this weekend!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesdays

I'm going to try something new. My goal is to have a "Wordless Wednesday" blog....where I post a picture of something that I've seen/done/cooked/etc in the last week. I will however be posting a caption to help you guys figure out what I've seen!

Here's the first "Wordless Wednesday" picture what you're looking at are the daffodils poking through my neighbors flower-beds. Today, this gives me hope, as I watch the snow fall...that spring will eventually come!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Do you ever feel like something is slipping out of control, much like sand slipping through your fingers??

Lately...I feel as though many situations I'm facing are slipping right through my fingers, and there is no way for me to stop it from happening.

I get happens. People come and go. We travel through this constant cycle, known as "life", and we have good times, bad times, smooth times, and rough times.

Currently, I feel as though I'm in a good time, but that certain situations are in rough times. Friendships on the line. Pressure at work. Expectations people have in me. is just to much to hold on to.

I think this is one of the BIGGEST lessons that God is trying to teach me right now: "to let go, and let God."

I'll admit it...I'm a control freak. I like things in tip-top shape. I prefer when things get done in the correct way, rather then halfheartedly doing them and then having to have them re-done at a later point. Some might even use the phrase "My way or the highway!"

I know that through all this, God is simply wanting me to draw myself closer to Him, to rely on him for EVERYTHING, and to just trust him. Easier said then done. I've mentioned in this blog before that I've struggled with just letting go... I'm finding days go smoother when He is in control.

HOWEVER...I find myself giving him my days, but am I giving him EVERYTHING in the day? Every conversation, action, reaction should reflect my Savior and his love & mercy shown to me. I find myself struggling with this. And because I find this to be a struggle, I feel as though lots of stuff is slipping through my fingers.

"Oh Lord...I come to you and humbly confess that I'm a control freak, and don't seem to know how to handle EVERY situation over to you. Put people, situations, and examples in my life...that I may see how to fully, completely, and wholeheartedly trust in You and You alone."

Sunday, April 3, 2011

All about me!

Is it weird to post 2 posts in one day? How about one hour?? WELL....I wanted to take this time to let you guys know a little more about me!

My name is Laura, and I live in western NY. I graduated college when I was 19, and started my first job as a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) shortly after my 20th birthday! Sometimes I miss the college life, but I also am glad to be out of the drama that school entails. I left New York to go to college in Pennsylvania, and while I LOVED and MISS PA, I came back to NY after I graduated 3 years ago. I'm not sure how long I'll be here, but for now, it is where God wants me to do.

When I'm not at work, I LOVE to take pictures!!





Those are just a few of pictures I've captured throughout the years...have no fear--there will be PLENTY more to come!

Other things I enjoy doing in my free time: Kick-boxing, working out, reading books, and spending time with my family and my 5 best friends!

Well...there's a sneak-peak at me! Til next time...

CRAZY times....

Holy cow...1 week without a post, and I feel like it has been 1 year+ since I've written anything. (A strange feeling, since I JUST decided to be more consistent with my blogging, oh maybe 3 weeks ago, lol!) I feel like someone hit the fast-forward button this week and there has been no slowing down!

Work this week, was There were many times, I felt that I was on the verge of losing it....thankfully 30 second prayers with God kept me focused for that moment and able to accomplish the tasks at hand.

I've also started to notice a "trend" in how my days go, depending on if I've given the WHOLE day over to God first thing in the morning, or if it takes me a while to give it to him. Here's where I struggle: I'm not a morning person. I need a semi-large cup of coffee to really get me going and to make me,!

So...what I have always done in the past, is study my Bible/do my devotions in the evenings. Works great, still get the studying aspects done then...but I'm finding, if I don't give the day over pretty much from the get-go, it's going to be a tough day.

I heard one of my favorite songs on the radio as I was driving to work this week. Britt Nicole sings the song "Set the World on Fire" and it really hit home (again) this week.

[Verse 1]
"I wanna set the world on fire
Until it's burning bright for You
It's everything that I desire
Can I be the one You use?

I, I am small but
You, You are big enough
I, I am weak but
You, You are strong enough to

Take my dreams
Come and give them wings
Lord with You
Nothing I can not do
Nothing I cannot do..."

Here's my question for you, and for me. In the middle of the chaos and confusion I face each and every I allowing God to use me the way I should be used? Or am I SOO busy fighting tooth-and-nail to have it my way. Days seem so much more 'smoother' when I give God the control from First thing in the morning, til I close my eyes at night. Guess I know an area in my life that needs improving...

"Dear Lord, I come to you with a problem in my life. I pray right now, that you may be the first thing on my mind, that I will be quick to give you control of my days, and that I will trust you to guide my actions, words, and interactions throughout my day. I know this won't be easy, Lord, but I know it will benefit me in the end. Thank you for being my savior, best friend, and redeemer. I LOVE YOU!"