Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thankful for spring

I'm sitting here, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, with a smile on my face. Reason for that smile?? I have both my front and back door to my house open, and I want them open!! Today truly feels like spring has arrived...we've had a few days like this already this year, but today feels different. It's nice to be able to let fresh air circulate throughout the house. It's amazing to feel flip-flops on my feet again :) And I love that I can work on activities outside of my house without having a scarf, gloves, and heavy winter coat on!!!

Another thing that is helping to maintain this the fact that I can hear the birds talking to each other again, and that people keep walking past my house going on walks. This is just another thing that keeps reminding me of how God faithfully provides for us in the reliability that winter WILL INDEED give way to the beauty of spring!

So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: HAPPY SPRING EVERYONE!!!

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