Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Trusting God

It has been a while since I've been on here, sorry friends. Life has been full of ups and downs, but through it all, God has been showing me more and more how when I trust HIM with my life, things go that much smoother. Easier said then done most times though...

Things at work lately have been crazy, with me ultimately having more on my plate. As selfish as this might sound, I can tell God has been more in control simply because I don't feel as stressed or frustrated with the situations at hand. My dad always says "We are either: headed into a trial, coming out of one, or in the middle of it right now." And I've gotta say, I feel like right now I'm smack-dab into the middle of the tough time. Some days, I'm beyond ready to pull my hair out...other moments are smooth sailing. The ups and downs have been like a pendulum swinging back and forth, back and forth.

This is where God's faithfulness has been proving itself to me over and over again. It seems like just at the "worst possible moment", someone or something reminds me that I'm probably trying to go about this "situation" on my own strength, and not God's strength. My favorite verse just keeps popping into my head: Philippians 4:13-- "I can do everything through him who who gives me strength."

And while I know God is faithful and give me strength, why, must I continually doubt my Savior...the one who so willingly went to the cross and died for me? I know it is my human nature, but He sacrificed EVERYTHING for me...what is holding me back and causing me to doubt his love and faithfulness?? I think I can answer this question...I'm scared of what God might ask me to do. I know He can ask me to continue with where He currently has me, or he might have some big drastic plan for me...and the "unknown factor" scares me. It's not like He has let me down, just when I begin to think He isn't going to come through, BOOM! There is my answer (and let me be honest...it's usually a pretty decent answer)!

As I close this, I'm reminded of another favorite verse from Proverbs. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

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