Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lost in thought...

I completely got on here tonight, with the intention of catching-up on some blogs I haven't been able to read lately. I figured I'd read a few, then get ready for bed. HOWEVER...God apparently had a completely different idea in mind.

I came across a blog that I enjoy looking at, probably because she loves photography and frequently has some adorable photos posted. Ya'll know my love for photography as well...and well, I always enjoy looking at how other photographers take their pictures.

God, however knew that I needed to read what Ria had posted back a few days previously. (Which she took from a pastors blog)

(I'll post the blog websites at the end, so you, too, can read what they wrote!)

She talks about being content with where God currently has you in life. EVERY word that she wrote hit me and gave me the reality check that I needed.

Quote: "Sometimes God will prevent us from a certain goal at a time that does not coincide with His will. It’s not that we’re not doing what’s right. It’s just that we’re not doing it with the right timing.

He’s not saying not ever. He’s just saying not now."

Lately, I've been feeling "left behind" as I see my friends achieving goals and dreams that I have for my own life. They are getting married, having babies, and I often sit around, praying to God, "OK...when is it going to be my turn."

(NOW friends, and you know who you are, know I LOVE YOU so very very much, and while I sometimes get jealous of you, I wouldn't change a thing in our relationships. You girls (and families) are EXACTLY what I need to get through this period of life.)

I can't tell you how many times I've told myself "it will happen when God is ready for it to happen." Yes, I know there is so much truth to this statement, yet at the same time, when you feel as though the world is progressing and you're not going anywhere, it can be very very discouraging. I'm ready to move on too...yet for some (unknown) reason, God isn't ready for that next chapter to begin.

SO....tonight, I feel as though I've come to a cross-road. Do I: 1) sit around, waiting for "it" to happen, potentially missing out on some amazing opportunities?? OR 2) embrace Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I choose option #2. God knows EXACTLY why I am "where I am" and he knows how long I will "be where I am." I choose to trust him, based on the promises found in his word, that He will bring things into my life in due-time.

Now...let me go out on the record, and say this: I WILL STILL STRUGGLE WITH THIS! I can guarantee it. My type-A personality wants things to happen in a timely manner. However, for tonight, I'm ok with where I am at in life.

Thank you, friend, for these closing words to your blog--words that are bringing me much peace tonight: "You’ll eventually get to your goal or dream too. In the meantime, you’ll just have to trust that if God is preventing you from getting somewhere, it’s because you’re exactly where you need to be. For now."

(Ria's) www.riathurston.com/2011/06/lets-be-honest.html
(Pastor) http://www.stevenfurtick.com/personal-development/not-ever-vs-not-now/

1 comment:

Jessica said...


Really good blot post for you to check out :)