Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Miss me?!?

Hello, long lost blog friends! Have you missed me at all?? I've been missing you!! I'm so very very happy to be back blogging with you. I have been MIA simply because I got to go on the AMAZING vacation I mentioned many-moons ago! And where did I go?!?

HAWAII!!! Yes, that's right, I got to spend 8 beautiful days on the island of Maui! Talk about a trip of a life time. It was so amazing to see the beauty that people who have been there had told me about, and it was a much needed rest break for me!

Let me share some pictures that while look nice, fail to show just how beautiful this land is:

So, now for a description of what you are looking at:

1. The beach! Need I say more?? You are actually looking at the island of Lana'i, which is about 15 miles off the coast of Maui (more about this location later!)

2. We took a drive up the NW coast of Maui, pulling off at "scenic view" locations. At this spot, there were several sailboats that had taken people on lunch trips docked.

3. Looking at the rolling "hills" of the volcano as you head towards Ka'anapali (town where we were)

4. Another one of those "scenic view" locations...I could spend HOURS watching the waves crash against the rock. So predictable in the fact that they will come, yet unpredictable in the "intensity" of the wave, thus causing different "splash" levels.

5. We drove a few hours to the base of Haleakala (the other volcano on Maui) and went to the beach that is surrounded by lava. This picture is taken from the beach, looking up at Haleakala. All that "black rock" in the forefront of the picture is the lava. Haleakala last errupted in the 1700s and its magma flowed down towards this beach. It was like walking on the moon, such a strange place to be.

6. Finally, for today, this last picture is of my Parents, myself, and Kevin. We are standing on lava! We flagged down the only other people out there, and had them take a family photo. Might not be the greatest picture, but shows we had an amazing time!

Well friends, I hope you enjoyed your first 'taste' of Hawaii blogs! I know I've only touched on a sampling of pictures and stories from my time spent there, so please stay tuned to future blogs in which I will share about the adventures I was able to do while there!

Love ya'll!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Missed you!!!
Can't wait to get together for some coffee (or Ice Cream depending on how hot it continues to be!)and get to hear stories first hand! :)