Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cell Phone Game

Ok, I just read a really cool story on Yahoo! and felt the need to share it with you. It's called phone-stack. Here's the jist of it.

Ever go out to dinner and feel as though your dinner-date/friends/family/etc aren't paying attention to you, and are still using their phones? phone-stack! Everyone either places their phones face down or stack them on top of each other, face-down. Even as the phones go off (hopefully on vibrate), everyone must ignore them. First one to look at their phone has to pay the bill. If nobody looks at their phones before the bill arrives, every one pays for their own meal. That's it...pretty simple way to help focus people on the present conversation and not what is going on online.

Apparently this "idea" came from a blogger...pretty neat in my eyes!!

Happy Stacking!!

(Here's the article link where I hear about it from)

1 comment:

Claire said...

left you the Liebster Award on my blog!!! come see!